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Dental Insurance – Pittsburgh, PA

How to Use Your Dental Insurance & Save

Dental insurance offers an easy way to make dental care more affordable, but are you getting the most out of your plan? In our experience, many patients understand the need for dental insurance, but they aren’t exactly sure how it works. Thankfully, we’re more than ready to help! At Warwick Dentistry, we welcome all dental insurance plans, and our knowledgeable team will ensure you maximize your benefits at every visit. Below, you’ll find our short guide on how to save as much as possible using your plan.

How Dental Insurance Works

Hands holding an animated tooth under an umbrella

The primary thing people need to understand about dental insurance is that most plans are focused on helping patients prevent dental problems as opposed to treating them. The idea is that with consistent preventive care, a patient can avoid more severe problems as well as the expensive procedures needed to fix them. The result is better oral health and less spent on dental care overall, which makes everyone happy.

It’s very common for dental insurance plans to mostly or even completely cover basic services like checkups and cleanings. Most allow a person to get two each year for little to nothing out of pocket! But insurance can also be a big help if you develop a cavity or missing tooth as well. Services like fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures are usually partially covered, though not to the same degree as checkups and cleanings. And, because they are elective, the majority of cosmetic treatments (like teeth whitening and porcelain veneers) are typically NOT covered.

What is the Difference Between Dental and Medical Insurance?

Dental insurance forms

If you’re wondering whether dental and medical insurance is technically the same, they are not. In fact, there is a big difference between the two. With medical insurance, these companies designed their plans to help patients financially after an injury has occurred. Wellness visits usually do not account for much coverage; however, hospitalizations, lab testing, and seeing a specialist tend to deliver greater coverage.

Dental insurance, however, approaches healthcare differently. Instead of waiting for a problem to arise, these companies encourage patients to seek preventive care. By reducing the chances of developing a problem later on, you can avoid restorative or emergency dental care, which is often partially covered by insurance companies and require them to pay more.

In-Network vs. Out of Network

Dentist showing patient a smile model

When looking at your policy, you will notice there are two columns: in-network and out-of-network. Depending on who you choose to see for oral health will determine how much you can expect to pay at your next visit.

In-Network Coverage

Warwick Dentistry is in-network with United Concordia Elite, UPMC Dental Advantage (Not UPMC For You, UPMC For Life or UPMC For Kids), and MetLife, meaning we’re able to offer patients with those policies the highest amount of savings possible. This is one of the greatest benefits you can expect when working with a dentist who has a contractual agreement with your dental insurance company.

Out of Network

Patients with plans from other providers can save with us, too, as we’re able to file claims for all out-of-network plans as well. Unlike with medical insurance, going to see an out-of-network dentist won’t always cost you a lot more!